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Scholarships to the OEA Advocacy and Organizing Institute (AOI)

You and your local association can obtain valuable training and save money! OEA Advocacy and Organizing Institute (AOI) is an annual conference for educators from February 20-22 at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus. The Advocacy and Organizing Institute (AOI) is OEA’s flagship, two-day winter training event aimed at providing training and resources to members who are, or want to become involved in, advocating and organizing to ensure ‘Public Education Matters.’ Participants can choose from diverse, ninety-minute sessions covering everything from traditional advocacy topics like collective bargaining and grievance processing to more contemporary organizing issues like safe and healthy workplaces, education policy reform, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

NEOEA is offering two scholarships to OEA's Advocacy and Organizing Institute (AOI) in each of our ten electoral units as well as two in the Higher Education division. Scholarships pay for registration, hotel room (two nights/double occupancy), and $50 towards mileage. In order to apply for these scholarships, please fill in the form below and reply by email or postal mail. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, December 17.

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